P1Harmony - HARMONY : ALL IN
Albums available to purchase in EUROPE

Make sure to check out your local K-pop stores near you to get the EUROPE EXCLUSIVE photocards!
*Albums will be available for purchase at locations with 💿
*Cupsleeve events will be held at locations with 🥤
*Starts release day weekend (June 9th)
*Cupsleeve events will be held at locations with 🥤
*Starts release day weekend (June 9th)
---------- BELGIUM ----------
💿ALBUM PURCHASE: iPurple - Kraainem
Mechelsesteenweg 455/3de floor, 1950 Kraainem
9 June, 10AM - 5PM
---------- DENMARK ----------
💿ALBUM PURCHASE: Copenhagen Kpop - Copenhagen
Studiestræde 18, St. Tv, 1455 København
9 -10 June, 11AM - 6PM
---------- GERMANY ----------
💿ALBUM PURCHASE: Daebak K-pop Shop - Frankfurt
Alt-Schwanheim 32, 60529 Frankfurt am Main
9-10 June, 12PM - 6PM
🥤 Cupsleeve event will also be held at Daebak K-pop Shop
9 June, 12PM - 6PM
Hosted by @daebak_kpop_shop
9 June, 2PM - 7PM
---------- ITALY ----------
💿ALBUM PURCHASE: Stardust K-pop Shop - Milan
Via Manzoni 2/F, Garbagnate Milanese (Milano), 20024
9 June, 10AM - 7PM